There are several tools you can use for communication within the film crew on the project, and there are also those that are not so recommended. Let's get through them.

Phone call

Nothing works better than phone calls in production. Especially when you're on tight schedule. The production department is known to be on call 24/7. Sorry, no excuses here. And if you got missed call on the phone - call the fuck back. Once is enough, if it was an important call, they will get back to you.


The second most important tool you should be using for internal (and external) communication. What's in the e-mails is the law. If you have something important to say, to get confirmation or to ask a question, do it via e-mail.

When you're done with the meeting, send an e-mail with a summary of the meeting. When you decide on something over the phone, write an e-mail saying on what you agreed on the phone. It will cover your ass and prevent misunderstandings.

And for God's sake, get yourself a pro-looking e-mail address. Buy a fuckin’ domain of your name, set up an e-mail address and like that, you upped your game a level. It really looks stupid/childish if you say “My e-mail is topyoungster97 at gmail dot com".


Amazing app. As they say, it is “Collaboration hub for work”. Saves time and replaces horribly long e-mail conversations. You just make a workplace, add team members, create channels (aka ”chat rooms”), assign people to channels (or let them be a part of) and start dealing with issues or topics related to it. Easy, fast, accessible and simple. Definitely recommended.

Find out more:


Well, this one is easy - when you can't reach somebody because he or she is thousands of miles away (or just is not convenient to travel), and phone call is expensive, and/or you need to show them something, use Skype. Free of charge, reliable. And everybody knows what it is. Don't be a dinosaur.

Find out more:

FB Groups

Facebook groups are not so bad, but I am lingering on a verge if it's a yes or a no. The problem I see is it's Facebook, it is a social media platform. Therefore you are milliseconds from distraction. And when you work you need to work.

Otherwise, it’s pretty okay - you post what you need/want and others comment. But still, a social media. So for me no, because the chances of distraction are just too big.


This is just a strict no. Group chats on WhatsApp are messy, disorganised and you will get lost in the chat (especially when you got 4+ people). Use Slack instead. Leave WhatsApp to personal matters and discussions.


See WhatsApp.


Do use: phone calls, e-mails, slack & Skype.

Don't use FB Groups, WhatsApp and Messenger.

Meetings are not a tool, but they are a way of communication. We will get back to them soon and talk about some tips on how to make them more productive and less time consuming.

And next time we go over knowledge & file sharing tools, afterwards project management tools and then some more.